Estimation Of Interobserver Agreement

Conformity assessment between observers is fundamental to data quality in time and motion studies. Clement, P. W. A formula for computing inter-observer agreementPsychological Reports 1976,39, 257-258. Farkas, G.M. Correction of distortion in a method for calculating interobserver compliance. Journal of Applies Behavior Analysis 1978,11, 188. Yelton, A. R., Wildman, B.

G., and Erickson, M. T. A probability-based formula to calculate compliance with the interobserver. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1977,10, 127-131. House, A.E., House, B.J. &Campbell, M.B. Measures of interobserver agreement: Calculation formulas and distribution effects. Journal of Behavioral Assessment 3, 37-57 (1981). Repp, A.C., Deitz, D. E., Boles, S.M., Deitz, S.M., and Repp, C. F. Differences between the current methods of calculating the Interobserver agreement.

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1976,9, 109-113 Cohens Kappa should not be considered a gold standard for time and motion studies. Maxwell, A. E., and Pilliner, A. E. G. Derivation of assurance and compliance coefficients for assessments. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 1968,21, 105-116. Results: This technique is illustrated by two examples. The first examines a pilot study in oral radiology, whose authors investigated the reliability of the cortical index of the jaw, measured by three dentists. The second example examines the degree of agreement between four nurses and five triage steps used in the Canadian Triage and Cutting Scale. Cohen, J. A conformity coefficient for nominal scales.

Pedagogical and psychological measure 1960.20, 37-46. Objective: Testing to measure compliance with interobservers (binderability) is common in clinical practice, but discussion of appropriate sample size estimation techniques is minimal compared to clinical trials. The authors propose a technique for estimating sample size in order to achieve a predetermined sub-ceiling for a confidence interval for the coefficient ? in interobserver concordance studies. Cohen, J. Weighted kappa: nominal scale agreement with provision for disagreements or partial credits. Psychological Bulletin 1968,70, 213-220. Study design and tuning: The proposed technique can be used to design a study to measure compliance with the interobserver with any number of results and any number of evaluators. Possible applications are: pathology, psychiatry, dentistry and physiotherapy. Holley, J. A., und Guilford, J. P.

A note on the G-index of compliance. Pedagogical and psychological measure 1964,24, 749-753. Fleiss, J. L. Measure of concordance between two judges on the presence or absence of a characteristic. Biometrics 1975,31, 651-659. Seventeen association measures for the safety of the observer (Interobserver agreement) are reviewed and the calculation formulae are indicated in a common scoring system. An empirical comparison of 10 of these measurements is made using a number of potential reliability test results. The effects are studied on the percentage and correlation measurements of frequency, frequency of errors and distribution of errors. The question of what is the “best” measure of agreement between servers is discussed with regard to critical issues that should be considered kratochwill, T. . .