Ec Collective Agreement Signing Bonus

Workers who start their parental leave before the signing of the new collective agreement are subject to the remuneration provisions of the old collective agreement, and those who start parental leave on or after the date of signature are subject to the remuneration rules of the new collective agreement. The AV, NR, RE, SH, PS, NRC (LS, IR, RO-RCO, TR), CRA (AFS), OSFI, CNSC (NUREG), NEB and NFB groups have negotiated and ratified new collective agreements. Some groups continue their important work at the negotiating table. We stand in solidarity for a fair agreement for each MEMBER of the CSPIP. Due to the work required to implement our new collective agreements and retroactive compensation, we expect a delay, but the employer has committed to assess these priorities in order to address the damage caused by Phoenix as quickly as possible. You do your best every day in your workplace and for your family. We entered these negotiations in order to reach a central agreement that recognizes and supports it – and we have achieved results. The community collective agreement applies to federal employees in the Economic and Social Services (EC) group. We are negotiating the agreement with the Board of Directors of Canada, which is covered by the Federal Public Sector Relations Act. The employee is subject to the provisions of the collective agreement under which she begins her parental leave, regardless of the date of the maternity leave. The new provisions on parental allowances will enter into force on the date of signature of the collective agreement.

The date on which a worker`s parental allowance is determined is the date on which the worker takes parental leave, regardless of the date on which the duration of the leave was requested or approved. The most recent agreement was signed in August 2019 and is valid until 21 June 2022. We are pleased to inform you that the CE cape bargaining team and the TBS bargaining team met today to sign the recently ratified new collective agreement for the EC group. As of today, the new provisions will apply, with the usual exception of remuneration. Please note that special provisions have been negotiated during the current cycle to address the issue of implementing retroactive compensation and adjusting salary scales. The total amount of maternity, parental and paternity leave, which is entitled to a supplement, is 57 weeks if both parents are employed in the public service. These include 18 weeks of maternity leave, a 32-week parental allowance and a 5-week paternity allowance. Under certain conditions, an additional two weeks may be available, please respect your collective agreement for eligibility. Official mail: negotiator: UNIFOR Collective agreement expiry date: 30 June 2022 Dispute settlement mechanism: arbitration The latest EC collective agreement contains updated provisions: a three-year contract will allow PSAC, as the main negotiator, to speed up civil service bargaining in the next . .
